Posts Tagged ‘Hope’

tRump: Don’t Let the Doorknob Hit Your Butt on the Way Out!

January 20, 2021

Four years ago, I feared that with a man who lacked character, a liar, racist, a cheater and a crook, our Democracy was at risk. I posted then the last lines of “Camelot!”

“Don’t let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment that was known
As Camelot.”

Four years later, tRUMP was even worse than I could have imagined and we don’t even know the half of it yet! His clear authoritarian nature, his refusal to even work at making this country better, his impeachable acts, his strange relationship with Putin, together with his previously known attributes, his lies and incompetence when it came to our crises and 400,000 dead, made me and many others feel as though we were in the Twilight Zone or a dystopic novel, where reality was ignored by tRUMP and his supporters in favor of dangerous and contrived nonsense..

It is clear we need to de-radicalize so many dangerous people and help those who still believe tRUMP’s lies to recover from the cult.

His last great lie–about election fraud caused an attack and attempted insurrection of our great country, showing the world that democracy is quite fragile. Four more years of tRUMP and we would no longer have been recognized as the USA that the world has come to expect.

So we add to the list of adjectives to include unpatriotic, undemocratic traitor. And he leaves this country as he characterized it in his Inaugural address”American Carnage.”

My patience is gone for people who criticize and make fun of the call for unity, after backing the worst, most incompetent and ignorant man to ever serve this country and continue to believe the voter fraud lie rather than the truth that Joe Biden, whose lifelong service to this country was ridiculed, was elected President by a wide margin.

To think that America, who once played such a huge part in defeating Nazis, Facists, and dictators, could ever abide an attack on our Capitol and our Congress, flying the flag of traitors, some of whom wore Nazi friendly shirts. It really doesn’t get more disgusting than that.

Good thing that tRUMP surrounded himself with the best people, huh? Just imagine what the “B Team” would have been like.

I hope they all get what they deserve and are brought to justice.

To me, we have been given this one last chance to save our democracy!

God Bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, our new leaders!
God Bless America!
God Bless our Troops!

Hypocrisy in the Response to the WHCD

April 29, 2018

I wake up to a twitter storm regarding the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

If I were the comedian, I would have done it differently.

However, Having listened to crass, nasty, name calling, lying, and worse for the past 16 months from the Trump Administration, I take Michelle Wolf’s presentation in THAT context.

I find it so humorous and ironic that, despite the lack of rules of decorum under Trump and the “nothing is sacred” attitude that has been so easily accepted by his supporters, that people are “shocked, shocked” by Michelle Wolf.

I WOULD like to be her agent today! And her comments about how the media loves and hates Trump poked a finger in all their eyes—well deserved.

This Lunatic Presidency Can’t End Soon Enough!

February 25, 2018

We have a bullying, self-aggrandizing and weak president, who lies on an hourly basis. He comes up with facile but Unintelligent solutions to complicated problems that sounds good to his far right wing bae.

The president’s unqualified daughter is somehow representing us with a foreign leader. She has no security clearance.

The president’s idiot son is in India, promoting trump businesses in meeting with the Indian prime minister.

Where are the rational GOP, Who screamed about Clinton cash, who complained whenever Barack Obama farted, and who would be screaming if Chelsea Clinton ever met with foreign dignitaries on policy issues.

This presidency can’t end soon enough so that we can actually start to again strive for truth, Justice, hope, and fairness!

Dr King’s Message is so Needed Today!

January 14, 2018

Once again, we honor a great American hero, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faced with haters, extreme injustice, laws and norms that kept fellow Americans from having or accessing basic rights-he preached non violent action and, to me, one of life’s greatest teachings-that we should all be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin, which of course also pertains to our religion, our gender, our sexual orientation, the country we were born in, etc etc.

I just wish and hope our leaders would hold this in their hearts and it would inform their actions. It is as important today as when Dr King gave us this message.

Another hero and one of Dr King’s disciples Rep John Lewis stated on what Martin Luther King Jr. would say today: “He would be speaking the idea that we are one people, one family…we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters, if not we will perish as fools.”

Amen. Character is what counts.

2018: It’s Time to End This Fact-Free Environment and Hold Trump and GOP Accountable!

January 1, 2018

New Year’s Day. I start this year with some hope that the world will right itself by focusing on facts and reality, rather than the GOP and Trump distortions that are merely intended to avoid truth and to pursue an agenda that harms the populace, save a select few.

Robert Mueller, hailed as a wonderful choice by all sides when hired as Special Counsel, is now the subject of GOP attack as he gets closer to the real story of the Russian influence over Trump and Trump’s other high crimes and misdemeanors.

I get frustrated that people are not held accountable to their past views and statements without at least some acknowledgment that they were wrong. As one example, Barack Obama’s golfing seemed to be really important to the right wing nut jobs yet they are silent with the obsessive nature of Trump’s laziness and golfing trips, which we pay for.

Objective facts are ignored and there are so many questions, which rational people cannot ignore. For example, why does Trump never ever criticize Putin? Why does he embrace totalitarian dictators? Why does he only criticize minorities and women who attack him? Why does he take credit for economic indicators that he made fun of under Obama?

There are so many obvious questions that the American sense of fair play and decency cannot ignore. His base will find out soon enough that he is the ultimate con man.

I am hopeful that we will get to where we need to and that this Trump/Pence travesty will cease to exist.

But we Democrats need a message and need leaders to carry that message. That needs to be our focus to put this country back on track.

It will take work. Who is with me?

Sunday Before Election Day

November 2, 2008

Our Founding Fathers gave us a system where those in power can lose power and turn over that power in a peaceful manner.  It is an amazing system, not perfect, but the best one there is.  I am also one of the few people I know who believes in the Electoral College because it forces the candidates to speak to ALL Americans.

We also have the Freedom of Speech, especially when it comes to political issues.

The amount of disinformation spread about this election and the views of the candidates and the insinuations of their motives is not unique to 2008 but is rather disgusting.

I won’t speak about Senator McCain and Governor Palin today except to say that their spread of disinformation about Senator Obama’s programs, especially tax and health care and the nonsensical comments about socialism are especially disingenuous.

Rather, I would like to focus on our transformational candidate, Barack Obama, who is the only candidate who has the ability to allow this country to have our actions match our rhetoric, to lead with idealism rather than cynicism.  His story is a uniquely American story.

I hope and pray that we will have a thoughtful leader, starting in 2009, who will take a measure of issues, who will surround himself with different voices–a forum of views, who will provide us with the Philosopher King that has been missing from the White House since John F. Kennedy, who surrounded himself with people from all portions of the political spectrum.

Notwithstanding the opposition’s distortions, Senator Obama’s tax and health care programs are very clear.  Instead of having someone who had a flunky speak to the Chairman of the Fed during the recent adverse developments in the financial markets, I want a man–like Obama, who called the Chairman himself and spoke for an hour about our options and the correct path ahead in these difficult times.  I want a man who surrounds himself and discusses these issues with people like Paul Voelker, Warren Buffet, Lawrence Sommers and others who are more knowledgeable about the economy, to  have a thoughtful discussion of the issues.  When Obama, during that discussion, was advised about the face he needs to show the public on these issues–he put a stop to that talk so that the solution could be discussed rather than what was politically expedient.

The last 8 years had our federal government making Rovian/Cheny type decisions based on what was politically beneficial to them, rather than looking for solutions to all Americans, whether red or blue, Democratic or Republican, Liberal or conservative, Christian or not.  The partisanship manner of governing is not productive to moving this country ahead.  The best example is the politicizing of our US Attorney’s Offices and the sanctioning of torture.

Lastly, we have the ability to elect a leader who has an understanding, a real understanding, of our place in the world, how we can lead by example rather than might, how might should be FOR right.  We have this opportunity to return to the idealistic view of this country, something I feel we lost when Bobby Kennedy was struck down in 1968.

Our problems are vast and the solutions will be difficult.  We can’t vote for the past.  We can’t vote for nonsensical rhetoric.  We need to vote for a thoughtful, intelligent, nuanced man, who will look for the right solutions for all Americans.

Please vote for Senator Obama on Tuesday.  You will be proud of that vote.

One Last Chance for Hope

November 1, 2008

The last eight years have been led by an administration that calls itself patriotic and religious and has led in a manner that has not been true to either American or spiritual values. 

We have a real choice on Tuesday, to vote for the future, for hope and vision or to vote for the same old tired nonsense that has brought this country to the brink of depression, emotional and financial.

I was happy to hear McCain and Palin actually talking about issues today, rather than merely trying to paint Senator Obama as some sort of sinister anti-American because he shared a coffee or attended a party with someone.  Of course, there is nothing substantive in their empty populism.  Republican populists?  You mean the party that offers absolutely nothing to the middle and working class and never has?  They cart out social issues every four years to get their base into line to vote against its own economic interests.

Well, listening to Senator McCain and the Alaska governor today, it’s easy to criticize your opponent’s views when you make up their positions out of whole cloth.  All I hear are misrepresentations of McCain’s purported strengths and Obama’s policies.  The fact that Joe the Plumber, a fictional character, who is not as he represented, has any place in our national discussion is disgusting.  Here are thoughts:

McCain knows how to win wars!  What war has he ever won?  He was a reckless Navy pilot who wrecked 7 planes before he was shot down in Vietnam.  He deserves our honor for having had to serve in a Prisoner of War camp for five years. His temperament before and after that experience, however, is ill suited for a leader of the free world and his entry on the world stage will bring more of the Bush Doctrine–but worse.

They claim that under Obama, government will be running health care.  This is a gross misrepresentation of the Obama position.  His plan is NOT to have an English or Canadian health care system.  McCain and Palin can say it is but it simply is not so and has never been the plan.  And McCain offers no real alternative. What are we going to do about the 40% of American kids without health care? This is a crisis.

The say that Obama is a “redistributor.”  What do you think the Bush tax cuts did?  It put tons of money in the hands of those who least needed it, at a time of war, when our infrastructure is crumbling.  In 2000, that McCain said that if people make more they should pay more taxes.  McCain’s hero Teddy Roosevelt, a progressive who could never be a Republican today, was in favor of progressive taxes like the ones McCain and Bush and Palin scoff at.  Redistribution?  This is utter nonsense and the intimation that Obama is a socialist is a disgusting retread of the McCarthy era.  In any case, McCain has said he will do everything to save social security and medicare.  Aren’t THOSE socialist programs?  And where would we be now if McCain and Bush got their wishes and allowed people to privately trade in this stock market their Social Security funds?

Drill baby Drill?  That’s like pushing the electric typewriter at the height of the information age advances, when people were first having personal computers in their homes.  McCain and Palin have been talking about being dependent for energy sources on countries that don’t like us much.  Where has McCain been on THAT issue over the years he has been in the Senate?  Senator Obama calls for a broad based energy policy that includes all options and calls for a green industry to create jobs AND reduce our dependence on oil, foreign and domestic for our greater good.  McCain voted AGAINST funds for the development of renewable energy technology.

They talk of their hero Ronald Reagan, who brought us supply side economics that it took the Clinton years to dig us out of.  Was he also their hero when he spoke out against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act, and refused to acknowledge the AIDS epidemic until he was almost out the door of the White House?  Supply Side economics has never worked.  It is a nice little theory but somehow the wealth never trickles down.  George Bush, the first, called it right when he characterized it as voodoo economics.

I’m also so sick of hearing about the purported vote to cut off funds to our troops, the many tax increases, and on and on, when McCain did exactly the same thing with his votes.

I can go on and on but really need to take a step back and to think about this country and what we need.  Do we want to put our country into the hands of an old angry man who voted with Bush 90% of the time, helping to bring this country to this point, with his neophyte no-nothing vice presidential candidate who is a walking hypocrisy and who believes that dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time as man OR do we want and NEED a man of vision who can lead us forward with new ideas, to bring a new face to the world stage, who is not afraid to test what American can achieve rather than try ideas that simply have not worked. 

If McCain does win this election, though, I will pray for him every day. The thought of putting the governor of Alaska a heartbeat away from an elderly man with health problems, is too awful to contemplate.

On Tuesday, vote for Hope and Change on November 4 and not the same old nonsense.